The union of startups, talents and partners for an even better future

We are Niterra's Innovation and New Business Division in Brazil

The union of startups, talents and partners for an even better future

We are Niterra's Innovation and New Business Division in Brazil


With more than 80 years in the world and more than 60 in Brazil, the Niterra group has become a leader in the automotive market with the NGK and NTK brands.

A companhia está pronta para investir em novos negócios e novos setores e nós do mova somos o veículo que explora oportunidades de parcerias e conexão com o ecossistema de inovação.

Because I know
connect with the
Niterra from Brazil?

Opening of
global market


We seek partnerships
long term

Recognition in
security and

market leader





+ 0

Startups em
our base

+ 0


Our Innovation Ecosystem

Our values

Ideas that transform

We believe that knowledge and sharing of diverse ideas is capable of
to leverage innovation, we seek to unite with different players to build solutions
able to solve big problems.

Quality and safety

In the history of the Niterra group, since its inauguration, quality in processes, activities and safety with people has always been part of everyday life and with our partners in the ecosystem we want to build solid relationships and safe spaces.

Responsibility for the future

Niterra has been in the market for over 80 years and we understand that in order to continue writing this story, it is essential to be aware of our responsibility for the future of society, therefore, we at MOVA, together with the company, seek to create a sustainable business ecosystem.

Courage to always reinvent yourself

More than talking, we want to see innovation happen, we are being moved daily, the innovation division and the entire company, to transform ourselves into an ever better version.

Startups and partners we've worked with

Dispose of Energy
Harena hospital of love
Agtech Garage


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Claudio Suzuki
Director of Innovation and New Business at Niterra do Brasil

At Niterra do Brasil, our passion for innovation is what motivates us every day. As Director of Innovation and New Business, I proudly witness our tireless pursuit of cutting-edge automotive solutions, as well as our expansion into new horizons. We are investing not only in automotive excellence, but also in vital sectors such as energy and environment, healthcare and agribusiness. We enthusiastically collaborate with partners, customers and internal teams to push the limits of what is possible, creating solutions that not only transform our industry, but also shape a more sustainable and prosperous future. Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to redefine what is possible, building a better world through innovation.

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Eduardo Tsukahara
Vice President of Niterra do Brasil

As Vice-President of Niterra do Brasil, it is with enthusiasm that I emphasize the essentiality of our continuous investments in innovation. The search for technological and creative avant-garde is intrinsically aligned with our corporate strategy, allowing us to conquer new markets, strengthen competitiveness and promote excellence in our products and services. Our vision goes beyond the present, as we are committed to building sustainable businesses, incorporating responsible practices for a more promising future, both for the company and for global society. With perseverance, boldness and a sense of purpose, we have followed a path that will echo for generations, pushing us to be visionary leaders in our sector, promoting sustainable development and contributing positively to the world in which we live.

Meet the Move team

Head of Innovation and New Business

Thiago Rodrigues

New Business Specialists

Ricardo Tancredi

Specialist in New Business in Agro

Raphael Parras

New Business Analyst

Gustavo Nascimento

Consultora de CVC e M&A

luiza zambrana

Marcos Irineu
New business consultant

Marcos Irineu

Market Intelligence and Scouting Consultant

Kimberly Montagner

Head of Innovation and New Business

Thiago Rodrigues

Profissional com mais de 15 anos de experiência em pesquisa e desenvolvimento de novos produtos e negócios no segmento automotivo ( O&M e Aftermarket ), passando pelas áreas produtivas, qualidade e engenharia. Vivência na coordenação de equipes multifuncionais e negociações com fornecedores e clientes estratégicos para a organização.

New Business Specialists

Ricardo Tancredi

Passionate about science and technology, he believes that technology will allow for a more prosperous, egalitarian and humane future for Planet Earth. With experience in data analytics and consumer insights, he is always looking for new knowledge and innovative solutions that will positively impact the world.

Specialist in New Business in Agro

Raphael Parras

PhD and Agronomist Engineer graduated from Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP – Campus de Jaboticabal, New Business Innovation at NGK, co-founder of the technology-based incubator Inova.jab/UNESP and researcher of the PolUS Land Use Policy research group. My previous experiences are related to innovation, sustainability, agribusiness, ESG and strategic governance.

Tel:+55 11 98547-8571

New Business Analyst

Gustavo Nascimento

I believe that innovation paves the way for the future! I connect my experience in multinationals in the industrial sector with the passion for innovation to build this path through intrapreneurship, cultural and digital transformation.

In addition, I work at MOVA in a transversal way, navigating between the verticals and theses in which we work, to seek and build new businesses and technologies that guarantee a sustainable tomorrow.

My mission is to use innovation to build the future where I want to live!

Tel:+55 11 93733-5293

Consultora de CVC e M&A

luiza zambrana

It's 8 years in the startups and innovation market. In-depth knowledge of innovation strategy, relationship with the ecosystem, investors, community leaders, innovation hubs and corporations. At MOVA, he is responsible for innovation governance policies and the areas of investment and acquisition of new businesses.

Tel:+55 11 98547-8571

New business consultant

Marcos Irineu

👉🏻Who is Marcos? What is your superpower?
Marcos is a person who is driven by challenges and rarely gives up on something before trying a few hundred times using different strategies.

👉🏻Tell me a little more about your role at MOVA and what do you expect from this new challenge?

My role at MOVA will be to support this tremendous amount of innovation and new business across all verticals with an emphasis on commercial strategy. We will work on developing business cases, business models, commercial negotiation, and everything else until the business goes to market.

Market Intelligence and Scouting Consultant

Kimberly Montagner

➡Who is Kim? What is her super power?

Born and raised in the interior of Mato Grosso, she is a strong and determined woman who is always working hard to achieve her goals, without losing her passion for the little things in life. Like the smell of the first coffee early in the morning while there is silence in the city, the cool breeze in the parks and the sunsets on clear days.

My super power is communication, the ability to transform complex subjects into palatable ones for different audiences and make different people work as a team.

➡Tell me a little more about your role at MOVA and what do you expect from this new challenge?

My role at MOVA is to analyze and monitor the various markets that are strategic for Niterra at a national and global level, and seek the best opportunities and actions for our business, aiming for innovation. Also work with the team in prospecting strategic ventures and support decision-making by leaders in an analytical, data-driven way.